© 1994-2016, Frank Stearns
Site Revision 2016-03beta

Example Screens from the IXgen Setup Script

Your screens will vary slightly, based on information specific to your machine.
The opening screen advises of the somewhat different appearance of this installer, and why we chose this approach. Press enter to continue.
The installer searches for a current installation of FrameMaker. If no FrameMaker installations are present, setup will halt. If more than one FrameMaker is detected, you’ll be given a selection list and asked to decide which FrameMaker on this system should receive IXgen during this installation. Press enter to continue.
The User Profile facility added sometime back is discussed. No IXgen users that we know of have made use of this facility. And, when introduced, bugs were present. If you do wish to use this facility, follow the directions in this screen to move the API Client registration line to the maker.ini file in the desired profile. Do this after the IXgen installation has completed. Press enter to continue.
The installer is now copying files from the download folder and into their new home within the IXgen installation folders that reside in the main FrameMaker folder. In this particular installation, a previous run of the installer was detected by the presence of a backup copy of ixgen.ini. This backup copy will be overwritten unless you wish to save it (extremely rare that you’d want or need to do so). Press enter to continue.
The last few files are copied. You are reminded to download the IXgen User’s Guide if you haven’t already done so. Also, take a look at the ixgndemo.pdf (yes, this is the correct name). This provides a guided demonstration of various IXgen features. The IXgen installation has completed without errors. Press enter to continue.
General licensing information is included here, but the presentation of this information is limited by this format. It’s best to follow along in the “Licensing” section of the IXgen Central page of this website. Be sure to press enter to exit the installer. If you don’t, some “housekeeping” needed for the IXgen installation might not be properly completed.